My Teaching Philosphy
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My teaching philosphy is very simple and very basic. I believe that the student is first priority and that if there is ever a time that the student has a problem, then I(being the teacher) should attend to those needs. I believe that the student should be able to talk to the teacher about anything that is on his or her mind. Teaching wise I believe that it is important to emphasize the three main points: cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. I think that it's important to stress these areas because the students can benefit the most from these, but also from the benefits of the five areas of fitness: muscular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, and body composition. These areas lead to a physically fit person , who will live a longer life than those who are not as fit or those who are not physically fit. Being physically fit is an important part of life, and considering the fact that our home state, Georgia, is one of the largest "fat bodied" states, I really believe that phyiscal fitness is important. It is important to allow a child to learn about fitness and then to emphasize what he or she has learned and allow he or she to grow with that knowledge. Then later in life, they will be able to live a healthy life, when they are in high school and even into college. More than likely though, in high school if they play sports, they will be able to maintain their healthy lifestyle because of training regiments and participation in athletics.
I think that it is an important thing to physically educate kids on something that will help them out for the rest of their lives. It's an important issue while growing up. I know that when I was bigger than everyone and in shape, I was going about my peronsa the wrong way. I was trying to be a mean person to everyone because I thought that was what a big person was supposed to do. I wasn't channeling my size to something positive like weight lifting or sports or anything. I really waited until I was in high school to begin to get a firm grasp on what I should be doing, to be physically active and maintaining a good weight and body composition. Kids need to learn this so later in life, like the college episode, they will be able to avoid the "Freshman 15" and change the way that all freshman usually end up at the end of their freshman year. I just think that being a physically fit person is one of the greatest things that a person can do. I love athletics and sports and I love being active. It is something that I would never love to lose and if I did, I think that I would go crazy.